[Bío Bío] Formalización por sobreproducción salmonera: Australis y el daño ambiental en reservas nacionales
Por: Juan Pablo Orrego S., Presidente de Ecosistemas, miembro campaña Salvemos la Patagonia (Leer noticia en Bío Bío) "La autoridad no solamente no...
[DiarioPuertoVaras] Valoran llamado a cumplir la ley en caso Quiroga y sobreproducción de salmonera Australis
Por Eliana Chong (Leer noticia en DiarioPuertoVaras) La decisión de la Fiscalía de formalizar a tres ejecutivos de la empresa, viene a refrendar una...
[Salvemos la Patagonia] Del dirigente ambientalista Peter Hartmann Samhaber: Liberan completo informe sobre el impacto ambiental de 30 años de salmoneras en áreas protegidas de Aysén
Por: Patricio Segura El objetivo es “dar a conocer, transparentar y evaluar la ubicación e impactos de las concesiones salmoneras en las áreas...
[Salvemos la Patagonia] Despedimos el 2024 organizados para sacar las salmoneras de las Áreas Protegidas
Foto:(c) R. Hucke-Gaete (Centro Ballena Azul) Este año, nuestra campaña Salvemos la Patagonia dio su primer gran paso, cuando en agosto lanzamos...
[El Divisadero] Salmon farms in Aisén's protected areas
By: Peter Hartmann, Coordinator of the Citizen Coalition for Aisén Reserve of Life (Read column in El Divisadero) The title of this column is also...
[Bío Bío] Response to Pivots: Debunking the salmon industry's sustainable growth myths
By: Cristopher Toledo, Terram (Read news in Bío Bío) The debate on salmon farming in Chile must transcend the narratives of stagnation and...
[Bío Bío] "Is sustainable salmon farming possible in Chile? Yes, we can do something.
By: Miriam Chible Contreras, Director Corporación Privada para el Desarrollo de Aysén (Read news in Bío Bío) There are issues of interest...
[Save Patagonia] Humpback whales found dead in and around salmon farms in Patagonia's protected areas
Crews from tourism companies in Aysén reported the discovery in the Laguna San Rafael National Park, adjacent to the facilities of the...
[Save Patagonia] Alliance for the Defense of Protected Areas: We are already half a hundred organizations
Since the official launching of our Save Patagonia campaign, we have continued to grow and strengthen, and today we have reached a total of 50...
[Save Patagonia] We were at the Ladera Sur 2024 Festival!
An intense exchange of ideas and dissemination of the Save Patagonia campaign was carried out by the members of the Alliance for the Defense of the Patagonian...
[Follow the Money] The fish you are buying may not be as sustainable as you think.
By: Rémy Käller (Read news on Follow the Money) Consumers who look for a "sustainable" label when buying salmon in...
[Bío Bío] Stagnation in the salmon industry? Figures show another reality
By: Cristopher Toledo, Terram (Read news in Bío Bío) Chile continues to be the second largest exporter of salmon in the world, which has...
[ElDesconcierto] Even Patagonia brand accuses salmon companies of leaving "dead zones" in protected seas of southern Chile
Por María del Mar Parra (Leer noticia en ElDesconcierto) Más de 400 salmoneras operan en Parques y Reservas Nacionales de la Patagonia, incumpliendo...
[El Divisadero] Overproduction in salmon farms: Figures of an illegal and unsustainable practice that the industry has made the norm
By: Erwin Sandoval Gallardo, Codesa (Read news in El Divisadero) A little over a week ago, the Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente (SMA)...
[Save Patagonia] Save Patagonia Campaign publishes cadaster of salmon farming concessions in protected areas
The document reports worrying figures on the presence of the salmon farming industry in National Parks and National Reserves of the Chilean Patagonia...
[Save Patagonia] Minister Grau meets with representatives of the Save Patagonia campaign to remove salmon farming from protected areas
At the meeting, the authority was asked to instruct the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture to review the cases of circumvention of the System of...
[El Divisadero] Pact for the development of Aysén or new bailout for an unsustainable industry?
By: Erwin Sandoval Gallardo, Codesa (Read news in El Divisadero) "Regional GDP: Aysén was the territory with the worst performance in the second quarter of...
[El Mercurio Letters] Salmon farming concessions
By Carolina Morgado, Executive Director Fundación Rewilding Chile (Read news in Litoralpress) Mr. Director: The ratification by the Comptroller...
[Radio U de Chile] Comptroller's Office and salmon farming concessions: a step forward for conservation
By Carolina Morgado (Read news on Radio U de Chile) In November 2023, a group of parliamentarians, together with the Salmon Council and SalmonChile,...
[Patagon Journal] New campaign launched to end salmon farming in Chile's protected areas
By Francisca Lopez Espinoza [Read news in Patagon Journal] Last month a new coalition of 37 Chilean organizations was formed, called...
[El Mercurio] Comptroller's Office backs SBAP Law criteria for requiring management plan for salmon farm relocations
[Read news in El Mercurio] At the end of August, the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) issued an opinion supporting the criteria defined by the...
[Terram] Is the salmon industry willing to respect current regulations?
By: Flavia Liberona, Terram (Read news in Terram) Since 2023 the Chilean salmon industry has had a strong presence in the media...
[Save Patagonia] Campaign launched to stop salmon farming in protected areas
The Alliance for the Defense of Protected Areas, made up of 37 organizations, announced the initiative, amidst the commotion caused by a...
[El Divisadero] The State's biggest subsidy: (Supposedly) protected areas at the service of the salmon industry
By: Erwin Sandoval Gallardo, Codesa (Read news in El Divisadero) A few weeks ago we read both the main representatives of the...
[New York Times] In Chile, salmon is a source of controversy and opposition
By: Lucy Meyer and Casey Ann Smith (Read NY Times story) The sea is calm at sunset on Quinchao, the home island of Tarsicio Antezana, in...
[Bío Bío] Salmon companies: Comptroller's Office detects lack of control by Sernapesca that prevents termination of concessions
By: Constanza Carrillo (Read news in BioBio) The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) detected a lack of control on the part of the...
[Ciper] The persistent circumvention of the Environmental Law by salmon farms that the government agreed to relocate
By: Maximiliano Bazán (Read news in Ciper) Last December, and with great fanfare, the Chilean government announced an agreement with the...
[Aisen Reserva de Vida] Desertifying the Patagonian Sea
The colossal use of antimicrobials in commercial salmon farming in Chile presents dangers for the health of animals, people and the environment, describes in a column for CIPER a specialist on the subject. Faced with the support of authorities for the expansion of salmon farming in protected areas, he warns: "More than a specific pathogen, diverse information and investigations seem to point to the fact that it is the generalized and uncontrolled overproduction in the industry that is the major cause of the high mortalities of fish due to infections".
[Ciper] 95 cases of salmon overproduction in national reserves without sanction (part 2)
A series of violations of environmental regulations by the salmon industry are set to expire this May if the Superintendency of the Environment (SMA) does not file the appropriate charges. Thus, the harvesting of more than 67,000 tons of salmon in excess of the authorized limits by nine companies with a presence in the National Reserves of Las Guaitecas and Kawésqar will remain without fine or sanction. This investigation for CIPER by the Terram Foundation exposes in two parts the details of these huge private operations and their effects on the fauna and natural environment that hosts them, in the midst of the expansion of the industry to Magallanes.
[Ciper] 95 cases of overproduction of salmon in national reserves without sanction (part 1)
A series of violations of environmental regulations by the salmon industry are set to expire this May if the Superintendency of the Environment (SMA) does not file the appropriate charges. Thus, the harvesting of more than 67,000 tons of salmon in excess of the authorized limits by nine companies with a presence in the National Reserves of Las Guaitecas and Kawésqar will remain without fine or sanction. This investigation for CIPER by the Terram Foundation exposes in two parts the details of these huge private operations and their effects on the fauna and natural environment that hosts them, in the midst of the expansion of the industry to Magallanes.
[Aisen Reserva de Vida] Salmon Farms and Human Rights
By: Peter Hartmann (Read news in Aisen Reserva de Vida) Last week more than one hundred civil society organizations sued the government...
[Aisen Reserva de Vida] Does Anyone Care About National Parks?
By: Peter Hartmann (Read the news in Aisen Reserva de Vida) The publication of the land subdivision of part of the Cerro...
[U de Chile Newspaper] "They are used as a financial instrument": Terram Foundation warns about salmon farming concessions in the process of expiring
By: Natalia Palma (Read news in Diaria U de Chile) In the midst of the conflict between the salmon industry and the indigenous communities...
[Ciper] Legal non-compliance of salmon businesses that the government agreed to relocate
In the midst of the debate on the illegitimacy of lobbying between fishing companies and government authorities, an agreement has been announced that grants the relocation of nine concessions to two companies that have ongoing sanctioning procedures at the SMA and have incurred in grounds for expiration, for different reasons. A member of the Terram Foundation details the characteristics of each of these irregularities, of which the government should have been aware at the time of granting the permits. The situation, at least, "raises doubts about the environmental standards of the relocation policy and whether the authorities reviewed these antecedents before signing and taking the photo", according to his analysis.
[Ciper] At Pablo Zalaquett's house: the secretive meeting where ministers Grau and Rojas brought positions closer to salmon industry
The meeting between business leaders and the ministers of Economy and Environment was not registered in Infolobby, despite the fact that it was called by a figure who has signed up as a lobbyist in that platform: Pablo Zalaquett, former mayor and former senatorial candidate indicted in cases of illegal political financing. Among those summoned were leaders of the salmon industry. CIPER consulted Ministers Grau and Rojas for the names of the attendees, but they were not disclosed. Three weeks after the meeting, the government presented the new Fishing Law. Minister Grau ruled out that this topic was part of the conversation. One of the attendees was Rodrigo Sarquis, owner of Blumar, a company dedicated to fishing and aquaculture.
[El Mostrador] Chile wins second consecutive Tourism Oscar for the best green destination in the world
By: Revista Jengibre (Read news in El Mostrador) Chile was awarded as the Best Green Destination in the World at the thirtieth edition of the...
[Bío Bío] Massive salmon mortality: 365 tons of specimens in Cochamó farms confirmed to have been withdrawn
Mortality corresponds to 486.4 tons of Coho and Trout species, representing 1.62% of the total biomass.
[El Mostrador] SBAP Law: Why is the salmon industry complaining?
Although Law 21,600 establishes that sectoral concessions may not be granted in three categories of protected areas (National Parks, Natural Monuments and Virgin Region Reserves), it is important to note that these limitations already existed.
[La Tercera] Salmon farming unions evaluate legal actions against government's decision to halt concessions in protected areas
At the moment they envision two ways to eventually launch an attack against the Ministry of the Environment's decision. The first one points to an appeal for protection, appealing to the freedom of enterprise guaranteed by the Constitution, and should be processed before the Court of Appeals of Santiago, while the second route would be through an injunction before the Comptroller General of the Republic.
[Patagon Journal] Whale deaths continue in salmon farming areas of Chilean Patagonia
(Read news in Patagon Journal) In the context of increasing cetacean mortalities in Chilean Patagonia, the stranding and subsequent death of a...
[El Mostrador] Undersecretary for the Armed Forces maintains 390 salmon farming concessions without clarifying their expiration date
By: Emilia Aparicio (Read news in El Mostrador) Based on information obtained by Fundación Terram, through the Transparency Law, between...
[U of Chile Press] Chilean Patagonia stores almost twice as much carbon per hectare as the Amazon forest
By: Ma. Fca. Maldonado Wilson (Read news in Prensa U de Chile) "How much carbon do the terrestrial ecosystems of Chilean Patagonia store?"...
[Ciper] The microbiological threat of salmon farming to our health
The colossal use of antimicrobials in commercial salmon farming in Chile presents dangers for the health of animals, people and the environment, describes in a column for CIPER a specialist on the subject. Faced with the support of authorities for the expansion of salmon farming in protected areas, he warns: "More than a specific pathogen, diverse information and investigations seem to point to the fact that it is the generalized and uncontrolled overproduction in the industry that is the major cause of the high mortalities of fish due to infections".
[Bío Bío] Antibiotic use in Chilean salmon farms increased by 24% between 2019 and 2022 despite reduction plan
Although the salmon industry in Chile has made efforts to reduce the use of antibiotics, climate change and the pandemic caused an increase between 2019 and 2022.
[Bío Bío] House approves SBAP Law: Minister Maisa Rojas warned of "pending inconsistencies".
According to the government, it is the most important environmental initiative of the last decade. However, Minister Rojas warned that there were "pending inconsistencies", after a controversial indication introduced by the Executive was not approved.
[Bío Bío] Los Lagos: the discussion on the continuity of operations of the salmon industry in protected areas
An intense discussion regarding the continuity of salmon farming operations in protected areas is taking place in the Los Lagos region, bringing together environmental organizations, parliamentarians and companies in the industry.
[La Tercera] Maisa Rojas explains that the Law for Nature is not retroactive and that they are clear rules for salmon industry
By: Paulina Ortega (Read news in La Tercera) The Minister of Environment, Maisa Rojas, referred to the doubts that have arisen with the...
[La Tercera] "Our overproductions in the XII are very heavy... I hope they don't appear in the press": The emails included in Australis' lawsuit against Isidoro Quiroga
By: Catalina Marconi and Leslie Ayala (Read news in La Tercera) This Friday Australis filed a lawsuit against the former owner Isidoro...
[ADN Radio] "Aquariums that are never cleaned": the impacts of salmon farming in the Magallanes Region
The salmon industry has ended up affecting native marine species in Magallanes, where this activity has been increasingly accentuated.
[Future 360] The Chilean dolphin, an endemic species under threat from aquaculture industry
Industrial activities such as salmon farming, marine garbage, climate change and misinformation are some of the threats facing the Chilean dolphin population.
[Bío Bío] Salmon companies risk $3 billion in fines for overproduction in protected area centers
By: Emilio Lara (Read news in Bío Bío) The Environmental Superintendency (SMA) initiated three sanctioning procedures for...
[La Prensa Austral] Sernapesca filed 42 complaints to salmon farming companies for non-compliance and planting more fish than authorized
(Read news in La Prensa Austral) Last year, the regional directorate of the National Fisheries Service in Magallanes filed 42 complaints against...
[Duna] The unknown cold waves discovered by a Chilean scientist in the Patagonian Sea
By: Loreto Concha (Read news in Aisen Reserva de Vida) While researching the warm sea surface temperature events of the...
El Mostrador] President Boric: "Industries such as salmon farming have to leave protected areas" [El Mostrador] President Boric: "Industries such as salmon farming have to leave protected areas".
"We want to say very clearly to the different industries that coexistence here has to be in terms of respect for the community and the environment," said President Gabriel Boric during his visit to the Magallanes region.
[El Mostrador] Strong presence of antibiotics from salmon farming in Chiloé found, putting biodiversity at risk
Juan Navedo, an academic of the PhD in Marine Biology and PhD in Ecology and Evolution of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), found, through research, a strong presence of antibiotics in the coastal wetlands of the island of Chiloé, evidencing the widespread presence of bacteria resistant to these drugs that endanger wildlife on a global scale and the treatment of diseases in both animals and humans.
[Deutsche Welle] Chile: Protests against salmon farms in protected areas
Despite having state protection status, areas of Chilean Patagonia set aside for conservation are not free of salmon farms. Social and environmental organizations demand a more restrictive law.
[Deutsche Welle] Massive salmon die-off in Chile puts industry in the spotlight
In Chile, the world's second largest producer of salmon, nearly 6,000 tons of fish died recently due to the growth of a harmful algal bloom attributed to climate change and the industry itself.
[National Geographic] What Patagonia's fjords are hiding
By: Eva van den Berg (Read news in National Geographic) In the Chilean Patagonia has its headquarters the biologist Vreni Häussermann, one of the...
[El Mostrador] Veterinarians call for maximizing efforts to eliminate remaining salmon mortality and hope for corrective measures
The area is home to an infinite number of species that are highly susceptible to environmental changes.
[Mongabay] Chile: more than 5 thousand tons of salmon dead due to "brown tide" that threatens ecosystem in Patagonia
More than 5,000 tons of salmon have died in the farms due to the brown tide and Patagonia's marine biodiversity is at serious risk.
[La Tercera] Study identifies worrisome threats to Chilean dolphins in Northern Patagonia: Salmon farming and gillnets targeted
By: Claudia Soto (Read news in La Tercera) The largest populations of Chilean dolphins are composed of approximately 60 individuals. Thus...
[La Tercera] Mortality of salmon due to harmful algae continues to increase and now totals more than 4,500 tons
A total of 18 cultivation centers have active action plans in case of massive mortalities, of which 6 correspond to the Los Lagos region and 12 to the Aysén region.
[Mongabay] Chile: Scientists show how whales are besieged by hundreds of ships in Patagonia
By: Michelle Carrere (Read news in Mongabay) For the first time, scientists have been able to demonstrate with an image the impacts that the transit...
[Ciper] New salmon escape in Los Lagos: a political problem
Two weeks ago 800,000 salmon escaped from a farm in Reloncaví Sound. This is the latest example of a cyclical disaster: between 2010 and 2018 there were 87 similar events.
[Ciper] New salmon escape in Los Lagos: a political problem
Two weeks ago 800,000 salmon escaped from a farm in Reloncaví Sound. This is the latest example of a cyclical disaster: between 2010 and 2018 there were 87 similar events. The authors do not see here "accidents" but rather problems of oversight and sanction originating in a regulation that has focused on "providing sanitary guarantees to the industry" and only marginally on strengthening environmental care. The authors emphasize that the salmon industry condenses many contradictions of the Chilean economic model, as it owes its successful global insertion and high level of competitiveness to "processes of environmental degradation and territorial inequality".
[La Tercera] Patagonia's importance as a refuge for marine life and biodiversity highlighted at COP25
Representatives from the scientific, academic, community and civil society worlds emphasized the creation, expansion and effective implementation of protected areas in this vast and pristine territory, which is viewed as a refuge from the current climate change scenario.
[France 24] Chilean Patagonia, a natural laboratory for the study of climate change
By: Seno Ballena (Read news on France 24) In one of the most inhospitable places on the planet, the Chilean Patagonian sea is giving light...
[El Mostrador] The impact of salmon farming on the acidification of the sea and anoxia in Chilean Patagonia
According to Sernapesca, there have been more than 600 aquaculture concessions that generated anaerobic conditions (the majority of salmon and the minority of mithilids) in our sea. With these numbers the reduction of oxygen would be 35-118 times more than that attributed to global climate change; and the reduction of pH in the water would be 10 times greater (8.1 to 7.1 at the bottom), corresponding to an acidification of 900%. Oxygen depletion at these levels causes suffocation and death of most organisms, and such acidification levels would prevent the formation of shells and calcareous skeletons of very many marine organisms.
[Cooperativa] Concern over contamination of National Parks in the Aysén Region
Complaints in social networks point to waste linked to the salmon industry in Laguna San Rafael.
[New York Times] An escape of nearly 700,000 salmon in Chile alarms environmentalists
The escape of 690,000 Atlantic salmon from a Norwegian company's cages in southern Chile has deepened concerns about the impact of industrial aquaculture on Chile's marine ecosystems and the livelihoods of artisanal fishermen.